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What is biomass?4
https://www.titanpower.com.tw/en/ Zhen Yi Internatial Power Company Limited
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   Nowadays, with the increasing awareness of environmental protection, we often see the term biomass in major media, the Internet, and journals. It is always closely related to green energy, but what exactly is biomass? Let me tell you something simple!

Biomass is a general term for organic substances from animals, plants, algae, etc. It can effectively use up the substances to the maximum extent and avoid unnecessary waste.

    For example, agricultural and forestry surplus materials include rice straw and rice husks, miscellaneous grain crop surplus materials, fruit tree pruned branches, forest wood surplus materials, bamboo forest surplus materials and driftwood, etc. Whether it is wood and bamboo waste after processing or wood and bamboo residues caused by natural disasters, There are also pig manure, kitchen waste, etc., which are all reusable resources.

    And with the efforts of various technicians, the use of biomass is very diverse. In addition to the biogas power plant using kitchen waste and pig manure, and the transportation fuel converted from rapeseed, there is also the most eye-catching one in our town. 1999kw steam turbine generator is a good choice for using biomass!


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